Best Practices -
Made Better

Medicare Annual Wellness Visits
with enhanced HCC capture

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Healthy Life HRA is the new benchmark:

When delivered by a qualified provider, Healthy Life HRA software satisfies all the requirements for Medicare Annual Wellness Visits. Pre-visit, patient-driven assessment tool covers the 86 most impactful and frequent HCC codes. Smart data capture improves the patient experience compared with standard intake forms.

Benefits to providers:

Medicine for this moment

Telemedicine is more important than ever.  Healthy Life HRA can be completed independently by patients online.  Reduce visit times without compromising quality.

Improve quality of care

Risk scores and reports are stored electronically and can be recalled at the touch of a button.  See how your patients have improved year over year.

Engage with your patients

Healthy Life HRA takes fewer than 20 minutes to complete.  We measure readiness to change behaviors, so you'll know in advance what's most productive to talk about with your patients.

Optimize payment opportunities

Easy billing using CPT codes for Initial and Subsequent Annual Wellness Visits.  Streamline your practice with no risk or up-front costs. Use our calculator to see your opportunity for additional revenue capture with HCC .

Easier charting

Patient responses are aligned with provider needs using a proprietary model. Workflows can start from either HCC or ICD-10 side. Spend more time on patient care than paperwork.

Grow revenue without adding patients

Typical practices miss 5-10% of HCC codes. That's an average of $3M left on the table that can be captured while simultaneously improving patient and provider experience.

Looking forward - the Medicare Population:

Growth Opportunity

The Medicare population is expected to increase by over 50% in the next 15 years. That's a lot of new patients looking for quality care.

A changing population

Baby Boomers are aging into Medicare. They're younger and will live longer, but will need help managing chronic diseases in order to stay happy, healthy, and active.

Traditional HRAs:

Stuck in the past

Pen and paper forms have to be entered manually into EMR systems and can't be completed remotely. How many of your patients use fax machines?

Analog insight in a digital world

No automated assessments mean time wasted tabulating answers. No key takeaways ready to go.

Healthy Life HRA:

Data made simple

Steamline and automate patient data collection with our online platform. Easily access historical records to see patients progress over time.

Communicate better

Clear visuals and messaging make understanding risks easy. Stay up to date with the latest preventive services recommendations.